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Safe Spaces For Education

safe space for education

Let’s join hands to create a world where every youth knows they have a community behind them, ready to provide the support and resources they need to excel in life.

safe space for education
Springfield Pride Parade Organization's Safe Space After School Program: A Haven for LGBTQIA+ Youth

The Springfield Pride Parade Organization is thrilled to announce the Safe Space After School Program, a FREE 28-week initiative designed to provide a nurturing environment for Springfield Public School students in grades 6-12. Beginning in the 2024 school year, this program aims to fulfill our mission of providing support, inclusivity, and public recognition for our LGBTQIA+ youth, ensuring they know they are safe, loved, and never alone.

Why This Program Matters: Supporting Data

Social Emotional Learning (SEL)

  • According to a study by CASEL (Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning), students who participate in SEL programs show an 11 percentile point gain in academic achievement.
  • A 2018 report from Massachusetts’ Department of Elementary and Secondary Education emphasized the correlation between emotional well-being and student performance, advocating for programs like ours.

Mental Health Support

  • According to the Trevor Project, 39% of LGBTQ youth seriously considered attempting suicide in the past 12 months, making mental health support crucial.
  • A 2021 survey indicated that 60% of LGBTQIA+ youth in Massachusetts reported feeling sad or hopeless, thus demonstrating the need for mental health interventions.

Community Building

  • The Human Rights Campaign found that LGBTQIA+ youth are twice as likely to be physically assaulted, kicked, or shoved at schools.
  • In Springfield, there has been a 20% increase in hate crimes targeted at LGBTQIA+ individuals, making community support vital for protection and inclusion.

Key Goals

Effective Communication

  • Workshops led by professional speakers and communication experts.
  • Interactive sessions for sharing experiences and communication strategies.

Building Self-Confidence

  • Self-esteem workshops.
  • Empowerment through art, writing, and public speaking activities.

Social and Emotional Skills

  • Mindfulness sessions.
  • Conflict resolution and emotional intelligence training.

Healthy Relationships

  • Healthy relationship workshops and seminars.
  • Activities aimed at improving interpersonal relationships.

Community Engagement

  • Volunteer opportunities with local LGBTQIA+ organizations.

Involvement in community projects and events focused on public recognition and inclusion of LGBTQIA+ individuals.

Safe Space Program Mission

“We walk together in a community-driven movement of support, inclusivity, and public recognition to remind our LGBTQIA+ youth that they are safe, they are loved, and they are not alone.”

We look forward to collaborating with schools, parents, and the community to make this program a resounding success, where students can develop the skills and relationships that will last them a lifetime.

For inquiries and partnerships, please contact

Let’s join hands to create a world where every youth knows they have a community behind them, ready to provide the support and resources they need to excel in life.

Our Safe Space Initiative asks local businesses to commit to not allow any form of hate and/or discrimination within their establishment and to welcome all people.
Expectation, hopes, and integrity has been saved for a cause by the ones sponsoring it, thank you for being part of such an exceptional moment in Springfield’s History.
At Springfield Pride Parade, we’re not only about marching  in the streets, we also facilitate special events throughout the year. Learn about our upcoming events.